Nuvigil Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

Nuvigil Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

If you experience narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or even shift work sleep disorder, staying awake can be difficult or even impossible. Symptoms can fall you anywhere, from your workplace to your personal life. When your brain is not fully awake, you can find yourself making mistakes that can be dangerous for you, loved ones, or coworkers.

Nuvigil Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

For those using Nuvigil for narcolepsy, a recommended Nuvigil dosage of 150mg to 250mg is advised. This drug is taken orally, so if it does not take immediate effect, do not take more.

You do not have to live with these symptoms or their consequences. Armodafinil, commonly known as Nuvigil, is a drug that encourages wakefulness. Nuvigil can prevent you from experiencing sleepiness or lethargy because of your illness. With Nuvigil, you can begin each day alert and prepared to face whatever your job, your children, or your life can throw at you.

Nuvigil Dosage

Depending on what you are currently taking Nuvigil for, the doses can vary anywhere from 150mg to 250mg daily. Nuvigil is meant to be administered orally, and can be found in tablet forms. For most patients, Nuvigil is meant to be taken in the morning, but your treatment plan may vary depending on your illness and schedule.

If you are using Nuvigil to treat shift work sleep disorder or chronic fatigue syndrome, it is recommended that you take a 150mg dose an hour prior to beginning work. With this method, Nuvigil will have time to be absorbed before your shift begins. Taking the drug too late before you begin work may result in some time before the drug takes full effect.

Dosage in Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy

For those using Nuvigil for narcolepsy, a dosage of 150mg to 250mg is advised. This drug is taken orally, so if the drug does not take immediate effect, do not take more. Once the medication is absorbed properly, it will work quickly to make you feel more alert and awake. For those just starting Nuvigil for narcolepsy, it is recommended that you start with a 150mg dose and ramp up slowly if you do not see positive results.

If you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, a doctor may prescribe up to 250mg daily as a treatment option. While for some patients 150mg has been successful in treating OSA, if you require a 250mg dose every morning then you should not see any added side effects. If you experience heightened side effects, stop taking Nuvigil and contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Nuvigil Overdose

Like every other drug, it is possible to overdose on Nuvigil. While the effects may not be fatal in most cases, it is not advisable to take more than the maximum dose at any time. If you believe you or a loved one may have overdosed on Nuvigil, here are some side effects to look for. Many of these symptoms are either behavioral or invisible, so be sure to pay close attention.

A patient who has overdosed on Nuvigil might experience behavioral side effects such as hallucinations, mania, restlessness, and disorientation. Physical side effects can include an increased heartbeat, diarrhea, chest pain, a decreased heartbeat, and nausea. If you or someone you know has taken the max dose or more, contact a physician immediately.

What If I Missed a Dose?

If you missed a dose of Nuvigil, you may experience the normal side effects of your illness. While it may feel tempting to take an extra dose to make up for the missed one, this is not advised. If you are planning to continue working for the next 5 hours, you can take your dose late, but this is not recommended if you are planning to go to sleep soon after taking Nuvigil.
Nuvigil Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

Nuvigil Side Effects

In an official study, a wide arrangement of side effects were recorded. These side effects can vary from person to person, or not occur at all. If you experience side effects are detrimental to your health or lifestyle, speak to your doctor about lowering your dose or switching to another drug.

Common Side Effects

Nuvigil may cause dry mouth, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, mild skin rash, and nausea. While these Armodafinil side effects are relatively common, if they become a problem in your day to day life, contact your doctor for a solution.

Some side effects will only occur for the first few weeks of treatment. These symptoms will disappear as your body adjusts to the drug. If you experience stomach aches, mild depression, constipation, heartburn, weight gain, muscle aches, loss of appetite and flu-like symptoms, do not panic. These effects are normal, and if they persist, speak to your doctor.

Serious Side Effects of Nuvigil

Major side effects to Nuvigil can be painful or unpleasant. If you experience any of these side effects while taking Nuvigil, talk to your doctor immediately to discuss alternative medications and treatment plans. Nuvigil is not for everyone, so do not be afraid to speak up if you are experiencing severe side effects while taking the drug.

Serious side effects can include:

  • painful or worrying skin problems, such as scaling, swelling, blistering, itching, or burning;
  • shakiness or trembling in the hands, feet, arms, and legs;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • allergic reactions such as tingling in the mouth or face, mouth sores, and severe irritation;
  • fast or irregular heartbeat;
  • severe migraines;
  • wheezing or difficulty breathing;
  • fever;
  • hair loss or thyroid issues;
  • frequent urination;
  • numbness;
  • severe anxiety or depression;
  • bipolar symptoms;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • aggression or anger;
  • anorexia or extreme weight loss.

Anything Else I Should Know About?

For women taking Nuvigil and hormonal birth controls, it is important to know that Nuvigil may put you at risk for accidental pregnancy. While you are taking Nuvigil and for one month after stopping the medication, you should switch to other forms of birth control, such as condoms and spermicide, to avoid pregnancy. For women taking Nuvigil as a long-term drug, it is recommended that you find a reliable form of non-hormonal birth control.

If you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant while taking Nuvigil, speak to your doctor before fulfilling your prescription. It is currently undetermined if Nuvigil affects unborn or breastfeeding children, so exercise caution and speak to your doctor before doing anything that may harm you or your child.

Nuvigil should be stored in a dry location at room temperature. Make sure to keep Nuvigil out of the reach of children. Do not take Nuvigil if you are under the age of 17, or have a history of heart attacks or heart-related issues.

Nuvigil Interactions

There are over 500 drugs that Nuvigil might interact with, so be sure to discuss your medications with your doctor before taking any form of armodafinil. Many of these interactions are minor or rare, but they can affect the effectiveness of Nuvigil and even your life.

Do not take the concerns of your doctor or family lightly, and be careful if you think that Nuvigil might have negative effects, call your doctor or make an appointment as soon as possible. It is impossible to determine how Nuvigil will affect you, so do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you have tested exactly how you react while taking the medication.

With Food

There are no serious interactions between Nuvigil and food, so do not hesitate to eat while taking this drug. If you eat a large meal before beginning your day or shift, it may take longer for your body to absorb your medication, but this interaction is minor and does not appear in everyone. For those who a lot of fatty or heavy food, this interaction may be more obvious, so plan ahead and take your daily dose prior to any heavy or fatty meals.

With Caffeine

While many people combat sleepiness and exhaustion with caffeine, it is not recommended to take heavy doses of caffeine while taking Nuvigil. Nuvigil is designed to promote wakefulness, so other high-energy medications or drugs may intensify side effects. Avoid coffee, tea, and caffeinated soda, and do not take caffeine pills or energy drinks before or after taking your daily dose of Nuvigil.

It may seem tempting to ward off any potential fatigue with a double shot of espresso, but this is not advisable. Headaches, shakiness, and hyperactivity can occur if you take these drugs together. Chocolate is also a source of caffeine, so avoid large amounts of cocoa, especially dark chocolate.

With Alcohol

While no official study has been done to determine the interactions between alcohol and Nuvigil, the reported interactions between the two are minimal. You should not drink alcohol and take Nuvigil until you know exactly how it will affect you and your judgment. It is not recommended that you take alcohol with any prescription drugs, especially not until you have concrete facts to rely on.

Many people have reported dizziness and blurred vision when they are taken at the same time. Some side effects have also been intensified when the two are combined, including nausea and vomiting. The effectiveness of Nuvigil is not guaranteed if you consume alcohol before or after administration of the drug.

With Other Drugs

Many other drugs have interactions with Nuvigil, but many are minimal at worst. It is important to speak with a doctor before taking Nuvigil, especially if you are currently on other medications. Pain killers such as hydrocodone and oxycodone have resulted in major interactions. Fentanyl is also listed as a major interaction, so speak to your doctor if you are currently on any strong painkillers.

Antibiotics have been shown to cause major interactions, so ask your doctor for advice if you find a reason to begin taking antibiotics. Do not begin taking Nuvigil blind, and do not let anyone in your circle of family and friends begin taking Nuvigil without a prescription and a visit with a licensed physician. Before taking Nuvigil, bring a complete list of all your medications to your doctor, and discuss all of your options.

Are There Other Features?

While there are not many other prescribed uses for Nuvigil aside from sleep disorders such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea, some research has been done into its other uses. Some studies found that Nuvigil reduced the symptoms of schizophrenia in small doses, but the effect was not enough to claim copyright. Nuvigil was also discussed as a treatment option for jet-lag, but this was also dismissed after the drug tests did not provide enough evidence.

Do not rely on Nuvigil as a treatment option until you have spoken with your physician, and be sure to explore all possible options before taking any medication. Or try Nuvigil for free today!